
Homework for Class #7

1. Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc...?
- I think, it is universal. There could be some small differences, but I think feelings and emotions are basically same.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. (10 minimum) Then, write the English translation.
- 嬉しい : happy, joyful
- 楽しい : pleasant, delightful
- 面白い : interesting, pleasant
- 悲しい : sad, sorrow
- 怖い : fearful, scared
- 寂しい : lonely, solitary
- 恥ずかしい : shy, shameful
- 悔しい : resentful, exasperated, vexatious
- もどかしい : feel irritated, feel anxious, tantalizing
- 懐かしい : long for, miss
- つまらない : boring, tedious

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
- うんざりする、うざい... I wonder how could I explain these feelings in one word.