
Homework for Class #6

1. How do you greet members of your family?
- I don't do special greetings to my family members, because we see each others everyday. But when I came back from studying abroad, I hugged with my family. With my grandparents, because we don't live together, I hug them everytime we met.

2. How do you greet people that are important in society?
- Just bow, sometimes shake hands, and say something honorable.

3. Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?
- If he/she is my close friend, I often make a light touch with girls, but don't with boys. If he/she is just a person who I know, it doesn't matter, because I just bow lightly or greet in words.

4. Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?
- I hug my boyfriend, always. (sorry) I sometimes hug my family/friend, when I separate with them, when I meet them after a long separation, and sometimes when I feel so happy/thankful because of them.


Homework for Class #4

How do you greet people in your life? Is it different for different people? How so and why?

--- Yes, it is all different for different people. Because they are all in different terms with me.
--- If it is my family or close friends, I just smile, and say nothing special as greeting, and also they do. Because we need no explain to each other. If it is a special situation (ex. I go back to Seoul after a long absence, and meet family and friends-, we hug each other.
--- If it is older person, or somebody I met with (kind of) official things, I bow to them.
--- If it is a new persn who is around same age as me, I wave my hands lightly, or just smile and say something for greeting.
--- In future, if I met people as business things, I will shake my hands.
--- The most impotant thing : Always SMILE!

Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?
--- If it is my family or close people, I make a light touches while talking. Because it is nothing wierd, and we even do not recognize it - it is just natural acts in close terms.
--- In other conversations, I really mind and pay careful attention with my behavior, so I never do that, and cannot do that.


Homework for Class #3

Buddhism in our daily life

1. religious traditions in table manners
(1) say 'いただきます' before each meal, with folded palms.
(2) should not stick and stand chopsticks into rice

2. base of the tea ceremony
(1) basic mind of tea ceremony is from Buddhism.
(2) '懐石' (from traditional food '懐石料理') originally means a warm stone that bonze hold to forget their hunger in long nights of winter.

3. words we use in daily life
(1) '勿体ない', '日常茶飯事', '修羅場', '面目', '方便', '無尽蔵'
(2) and many other words we use in our daily life are all from Buddhism.

4. make a value on Karma
(1) '袖触れ合うも他生の縁' (Even a chance meeting is due to the Karma in a previous life.)
(2) ex. of a situation → in a situation of casual meeting, "It is a destiny that we met like this (There is an act of providence)... Maybe we can have lunch together?"

5. 「神棚」 in Japanese house.