
Homework for [Language and Clothes]

1. Why are Japanese designer label crazy?
--- Because Japanese people think brand reflects their value. I almost don't buy designer label, because I have not enough money to use for clothes, but I'm also very interested.

2. Why is what you wear so important?
--- Appearance is the only way the others judge me if they don't have personal relationship with me, and clothes takes the biggest part of appearance, so everybody cares.

3. What does “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” mean to you?
--- Cover is just a cover, it's only a showing image as a product that we could see, but has almost no relations with the story inside. As same, we sometimes make a stupid mistake, deciding others with their looks and customs. Of course, looks are also a part of that person, but more important thing is inside of that person.

4. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?
--- It's hard to say I don't. However, it's just my personal thoughts that is not really meaned. I sometimes think 'maybe that color is her flavor', 'she likes cute clothes', 'she chases newest', 'she probably cares of other things than fashion'. But it has no relations with how I think of that person.

5. Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?
--- Because Japanese people care about appearance too much?

6. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?
--- I'm wearing black. I think black doesn't really reflect my mood. Because black is my favorite, so I wear black almost everyday. However, I think I can't wear very bright and splendid clothes when I'm not cheerful.

8 件のコメント:

  1. My idea of third question is somewhat differ from mine. I think clothes what people wear reflect their mood. Recently, I wear brown color clothes because autumn is coming. But I agree with your idea, too. I like black so I sometimes wear black color one. When I wear it, it doesn't reflect my mood.

  2. このコメントは投稿者によって削除されました。

  3. Hello, Kamen Rider! Thanks for your comment. And I'm sorry that I fixed my text a little bit, so the third question is changed to question number six.

    I also think clothes reflects the person's mood, but when I was writing my answer, I was wearing black, and actually I almost wear black, so I wrote like that. Maybe my answer was something not enough, but, my idea is also same as you! I always started to wear brown often these days, because it is autumn :)

  4. hello!! i agree with you! the most important thing is the inside of the people, so we should not judge people only oppearance. your idea of the question 3 is very easy to understand:)

  5. hello,
    I think so too.
    People apt to judge by our looks.
    I think people judge the peson's sense or character by their clothes..
    But insides of person is also important things to judge.

  6. Hi!
    I agree with you.
    it is not important the book cover. We should regard as importance inside. Namely, I think it means do not judge the person by appearance.

  7. Hi,
    I have same opinion with you.
    I think clothes represents person's character and I can guess what they like.
    It is one of the ways to know about them.

  8. Hello.
    I agree with you.
    I also think that Japanese care of cloth too much.
