
Homework for [ Education ]


--- It is hardly to say that I agree or not, however, I think the author's thougt is too exclusive. First, in this age of globalization, all the cultures are mutually opened. Without doubt, English is the official language. However, it doesn't mean that we have to be on guard for English. English is useful for communication, to knew each other to be friendly, to work together and think together. We try to be more and more convenient, and search for more effective ways for human life, then, why not in language and communication? What is wrong with taking the most effective way to talk each other? Second, in this globalized world, we can also realize our own culture and own language. Sometimes, we need an opportunity or things to compare to realize the worth of our own's. Third, refer to Haruki Murakami's opinion, I also think time flies, world changes, people changes, in that stream, language also changes. Yes, exactly what he said, nobody can stop it, if it wants to change, let it change. I don't think I wrote proper reasons, but I just tried to write just the way I think.


Homework for [ Men and Women ]


--- Actually I have no idea about this article. Anyway, I think, it's just about the change from past, different and new shape of the relationship between men and women. (Like sousyoku-kei otoko', for example). Maybe, times have changed, there are too much informations, some people set too much terms, and some people carries love too lightly, so it has been difficult to find 'the one'. Also, the more the world gets convenient the more people gets busy, and everybody seems to forggeting to love. No way, love is indispensable!


Homework for [ Table Manners ]

1. Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience.
--- I have eaten in a Chineses restaurant and Thai restaurant. When I ask them for a cup of water, I just could have a hot tea in China, and I had to pay for it in Thai. And I couldn't have chopsticks in Thai.

2. Did you learn anything?
--- I didn't make that much mistakes, and tried to look carefuly what the people around do during meals. Different foods and different table manners are also a part of the culture of the country, it is so interesting!


Homework for [ Weddings ]

1. Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Why?
--- I'm not sure what massive means. However, I think both in Japan and Korea, weddings are gettin too expensive. Wedding ceremonys takes place at big and expensive places, buy or borrow clothes with paying lots of money, and treat the guests.
2. What do you think about eloping? Is it a good idea or romantic? Why?
--- It looks romantic in movies, but reality is different. Maybe it is not bad in cases.
3. Have you ever thought about having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii? Would you do it? Why?Or Why not?
--- It will be romantic having wedding in foreign location. Also, there is possibility that maybe I will marry a foreign man, then maybe I will have my wedding ceremony twice, in my country and his country.
4. What is your ideal wedding?
--- A wedding for our happiness, not for showing others. I want to have a small and cozy wedding party with my dear peaple.
5. What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?
--- Maybe will prepare one white dress and one tradition wear. It is a day that I become together with one person for rest of my times, so on that meanful day it will not be bad to wear special clothes.
6. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?
--- I have seen Chinese wedding. It was very loudly, lots of performances was carried out, and the immense amount of foods and alcohols was prepared. The image was red because it was used everywhere, and the atmosphere was joyful.

Homework for [ Superstitions ]

1. Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?
--- Superstitions are also a part of the culture - maybe traditional. So it is related.
2. Is communication affected by superstitions?
--- It is a part of the culture, and it influences people's thoughts. So it is also influences communication.
3. Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe? Why do you do, use, or believe in them?
--- Actually I think to believe in superstitions are very dangerous. So, if it is something good or interesting, I kind of accept, and it makes me feel good, and sometimes even gives me power. However, if it is something bad or negative, I just ignore or forget about it. For me, it is same thing as blood type and horoscopes.

Homework for [ Time ]

1. Time is money.
--- It means that time is valuable as, and even more than spending money, because we can't earn it and can't save it. So we should use it preciously.
2. A stitch in time saves nine.
--- It means that if we do something well a first, we don't have to do it again, later. It has same meaning with the word teachers always says "If you listen and study well during class, you don't have to study that hard before test"!
3. There's no time like the present.
--- It means that we should live the present. It has no meanings with regret of past or worries of the future - nothing changes. The oly thing we can do and we should do is, to live the present ad try the best for everyday.
4. Fasionable late.
--- It means a reasonable late. For example, getting late for a few minutes when we are invited to a person's home party. We are getting late on purpose to give the person a little time for relax and to get ready. So it is a cool action that cares about others.


Homework for [Friends]

1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?
--- Bad things (waruguchi) and discontents about others, also profound and inner things with my family and my boy friend.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are thaey different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.
--- I can classify my friends in 4 groups - friends from high school, friends from university, friends from club activities, and foreign friends. They all have different meanings to me and talk different things, because I had different times and days with and has different memories. However, the people who I still keep in ouch and call 'my friends', has one point of sameness, they are all so precious to me.